Randy Anderson
"Beauty Through Imperfection"
In 2015, after spending 34 years in the corporate world living in hotels and on airplanes, I decided it was time to retire. I had no idea what I would do next, I just knew it had to be something creative that gave me a sense of purpose and joy that had lasting value. After a bit of traditional woodworking I decided to buy my first wood lathe and see if I could make a bowl. I was hooked almost instantly.
There's something almost magical about taking a log that many would consider best used for firewood and turning it into something of beauty like a vase for the mantle or something practical like a salad bowl for the family table. I don't seek out "perfect" logs. Some of my best pieces have come from logs that I pulled from a ditch by the road or salvaged before being hauled away to be turned into firewood.
I don't start with a blank canvas. Every log I work with has its own unique character and imperfections. Rather than cut them away I do my best to take advantage of the various grain patterns, knot holes and cracks that often come with it. My goal is to add form and function that highlights the inherent beauty that already exists. Like us, each piece is not perfect. Each has its own imperfections that have developed over the years. With a little work and attention they can still be beautiful and useful with unique value and purpose for many more years to come.
My wife Louise and I live in Eads, TN. A small rural community east of Memphis, TN. I work out of my small woodshop most every day either turning new pieces or gathering, prepping and storing logs for future use. I never cut down a tree to make something out of it. I rely on logs from trees in the area or on my property that are already down, from neighbors, ones I find down after a storm or friends bring to me.